Union Contracts

Union Contract Term
Area Trades Council (ATC)
Agreement (12/8/2021-12/7/2026)
12/08/21 - 12/07/26

Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical
Workers (HUCTW)
Memorandum of Agreement
2022- 2025 HUCTW Wage Table
Personnel Manual
Generic Job Descriptions
HUSPMGU Inclusion Agreement

10/01/22 - 06/30/26

10/01/22 - 09/30/25
Harvard University Police Association (HUPA)
12/01/20 - 11/30/25
Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Local 32BJ
Agreement in English
Spanish (Español)
11/16/21 - 11/15/25
Service Employees’ International Union (SEIU),
Local 615
(Arboretum Employees)
11/16/19 - 11/15/23

Hotel Employees’, Restaurant Employees’
International Union (HEREIU), Local 26
(Dining Services/Faculty Club)
Agreement in English
Spanish (Español)

06/20/21 - 06/19/26
Project Labor Agreement for Major Construction,
Renovation and Rehabilitation
05/1/18 - 04/30/21

Harvard University Graduate Students - United 
Auto Workers (HGSU - UAW) Local 5118 
2021 Contract Overview

11/27/21 - 06/30/25