Harvard University - Mindfully Managing Uncertainty (Pt 1)


Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10:00am to 11:00am



If there’s one thing we know to be true, it’s that things in life are never certain—or at least never as certain as we’d like them to be. And while we can typically handle uncertainty when it comes along in small doses, exceptionally disruptive events can leave us feeling isolated, anxious, and overwhelmed.

This program begins with an exploration of the basic principles and practices of mindfulness. Using techniques of mindfulness, participants will learn to effectively examine and regulate fast-moving streams of information from without—such as news reports, work demands, and our interactions with others—as well as equally fast-moving streams of information from within, such as our own thoughts, feelings, worries, and hopes. In doing so, we will establish an attitude of ease and stability, even in the most uncertain times.

Click here to register.