
All who work at Harvard contribute in vital ways to the teaching and research mission of the University and are expected to conduct their work with professionalism, personal integrity and respect for the rights, differences and dignity of others.

The University reserves the right to terminate any employee whose overall work habits, attitude, conduct or job performance is unsatisfactory. Conduct that is determined by the University to be inappropriate may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including unpaid suspension or termination of employment.

Conduct that Harvard considers inappropriate includes, but is not limited to, the following:

a) Violation of federal, state and local law

b) Violation of policies, procedures and practices of Harvard and/or the employee's school or department

c) Physical violence, threats of violence or verbal abuse

d) Intentional damage to University or co-workers' property, including misuse or theft of resources

e) Failure to maintain confidentiality of University information

f) Falsification of records

g) Insubordination

h) Excessive absenteeism or tardiness

i) Bringing weapons onto University property (Massachusetts General Laws—Chapter 269, Section 10(j))

j) Reporting to work under the influence of controlled substances or alcohol, possessing or using such substances at work, or other violations of Harvard’s policy on Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace

Employees are encouraged to obtain guidance or support from a supervisor, human resources officer or the Office of Labor and Employee Relations for actions, outcomes or alternatives as needed to uphold the employee conduct policy.

Last updated: 05/21/2008