Flu Vaccination Clinics

Clinics are free and open to anyone with a Harvard ID, a HUGHP insurance card, or a HUSHP Blue Cross Blue Shield card. The clinics are located at Harvard University Health Services, 75 Mt. Auburn Street, 6th Floor.

A high dose flu vaccine is available for those who are age 65 and over and receive ongoing care through HUHS. It is only available by appointment through our primary care services and not through the walk-in flu vaccination clinics.

Flu vaccination clinics will also be available in the dining halls for College students and at the Business School, Law School, and Medical Area campuses. More information forthcoming. The CDC recommends that everyone six months of age and older receive a yearly flu vaccine. The vaccine takes about two weeks after vaccination for your body to develop an immune response. Flu season usually peaks in January or February and can last through the spring. For more information, please visit the CDC website.

Click here to learn more.