
How are HUID’s assigned to contingent workers in the MSP?

Every job template (job description) in Fieldglass is set up with a flag (yes/no) to indicate whether people working in that job role typically need an 8-digit HUID. This flag is almost always set with a default of “yes” as the need for an HUID to obtain digital access to Harvard systems and a HarvardKey is widespread among contingent workers. There is a second flag indicating whether people working in that job role typically need a HUID card, or badge. That flag is always set with a default of “no,” so an affirmative decision needs to be made if the worker needs a badge for display or physical (swipe) access. This is because ID cards are costly for Harvard to provide.

When creating a requisition online in Fieldglass, the manager may “flip” these flags to change the yes/no value. If “yes” is the value chosen for “Does this position require an HUID?”, then the worker is given an HUID application form by the supplier as part of their onboarding process and paperwork. The worker provides key data needed (such as first, middle and last name, and full date of birth) to provision an HUID. The HUID Application is then sent to the DZConneX PMO, who gives it to HHR for HUID provisioning and entry into the Harvard Sponsored Role (HSR) Portal if applicable.

Once in Fieldglass, managers can find the worker’s HUID on the "Details" tab, on the upper right side of the page, under Work Order Details. Onboarding administrators can find the assigned HUID on the Onboarding/Work Orders Starting Report in Fieldglass. Onboarding administrators typically pick up the process there and continue with needed local onboarding, such as assignment of physical/building access or assignment of digital access.

If the worker needs an HUID card, they will be prompted to get one by the Fieldglass system and by their Harvard manager.

Can contingent workers access Harvard libraries?

Generally speaking, no. Contingent workers in the MSP are considered contractors in terms of their Harvard identity, and contractors do not have Harvard library privileges.This includes borrowing privileges, and access to the Library’s digital resources, which are typically licensed only for the use of Harvard’s staff, students and faculty. Some libraries may allow physical access (to a building and the materials housed in it) on an exception basis by the contingent worker if needed to perform their Harvard work assignment. Managers may contact the local library’s general mailbox or the head of the library to request temporary physical access. The worker will typically need an 8-digit HUID and a corresponding HUID card to enter the library. 

How can a manager or an on-boarding administrator see the HUID for a worker, once it’s been assigned?

In Fieldglass, managers can view a worker's HUID number on the Work Order for the position. The assigned HUID will appear on the "Details" tab, on the upper right side of the page under "Work Order Details." Onboarding administrators can run the "Onboarding/Work Orders Starting" Report in Fieldglass, which shows work orders starting in the next four weeks at the selected tub. The report shows whether the manager has requested that the worker be assigned an HUID number (yes or no), and the number if it has been assigned. In general, HHR provisions all needed HUIDs for workers in the MSP.    

What happens to the accrued sick time of a contingent worker when they move from the Harvard temp payroll to an outside payroll?

For directly employed temporary workers, this information is kept on file and their sick time is restored if they return to direct employment at Harvard within 12 months. Once working for an outside payroller, they will begin to accrue sick time as required by law. Learn more about this topic here: https://hr.harvard.edu/staff-personnel-manual/time-away-work/earned-sick-time (see item D.4.b).

Are there any tenure limits? What is the 60-day clock?

Yes, Harvard has instituted tenure limits for contingent worker engagements. The tenure limit is visible within in the selected Fieldglass job posting and monitored by both DZX and the Harvard program management team. The most up to date details of the tenure policy can be found in the Program Guidelines.

Generally speaking, recruited or payrolled contingent resources that are working in a Harvard registered payroll state and performing work that would be union-eligible if directly employed by Harvard have a 3-month tenure limit. This may be extended up to 6 months if the contingent worker is backfilling a named Harvard employee who is expected to return to work after a leave of absence. Payrolled contingent resources working in an unregistered state, and those in exempt roles or in non-exempt roles with exempt job duties, have an 18-month tenure limit. These may be extended with the review and approval by local HR.

 If a contingent worker in an OT-eligible clerical/technical role exhausts the tenure limit, there is a 60-day waiting period before the same contingent worker may take a second assignment at the same Harvard tub. However, the worker may immediately take an assignment at a different Harvard tub. There is no required waiting period between assignments in exempt roles or in non-exempt roles with exempt duties.

What is a contingent worker?

As described in the glossary, a contingent worker (CW), also referred to as a “contract” or “temporary” worker, works on assignment at Harvard on a temporary basis to provide specific services. CWs are used to temporarily augment the regular workforce, backfill an employee on leave, fill in for a staffing vacancy, or bring specialized skills to a project or effort.

A CW can be either payrolled (pre-identified) or recruited by a supplier within the program.

How does the model work in terms of hiring and paying contingent workers?

Instead of contacting suppliers (staffing and temp agencies) directly to fill requisitions for contingent workers, Harvard managers will submit requisitions electronically via the new Vendor Management System, Fieldglass. The requisitions will be routed by Harvard’s Managed Service Provider, DZConneX (formerly, Yoh).  As the process is vendor-neutral, all qualified, enrolled suppliers receive the requisition. Suppliers propose candidates, and managers select the one they prefer. 

Once onboard, the worker reports hours worked online in Fieldglass, and the Harvard manager approves them. Approved hours get converted to invoices and they flow electronically to Harvard's Oracle AP system for payment. Harvard pays DZConneX, taking a quick pay discount.  DZConneX pays the suppliers net of their fees, and the suppliers pay the workers.  Here is a high-level process flow.

Requesting Contingent Worker(s)

Can we employ Occasional High Hour Contingent Workers (OHHCW) through the Harvard/DZConneX Managed Services Program (MSP)?

No, for overtime eligible work that would be done by a union member if on our direct payroll. The use of OHHCW’s through the MSP is inconsistent with the HUCTW contract, and too complex to administer due to the need to track hours per year, weeks per year and consecutive weeks. Here are some alternatives.

  1. For in-state (Massachusetts) work that has requires occasional high hour work, with no tenure limit, the worker may be hired on the Harvard temporary payroll (Empl_Class T) in the Job Code 700012.
  2. For in-state work that has a consistent, low level of effort of 14 hours per week or less, the MSP offers two job templates (one for an Administrative Assistant I, and one for an Administrative Assistant II) in Fieldglass, each with a term of 18 months renewable.
  3. For in-state work that is sometimes or always >14 hours per week, the MSP offers numerous clerical jobs with a 3 month tenure limit.
  4. For out-of-state work, the MSP offers numerous recruited and payrolled overtime eligible jobs with an 18 month term that is renewable. There is no limit on hours worked, but the jobs are OT-eligible and thus must be paid at 1.5x the regular rate after 40 hours in a week.

What if I want to hire an exempt (salaried) worker? Can I do that via the MSP and Fieldglass?

Yes, a salaried contingent worker – that is, one whose pay does not vary from week to week regardless of how much time is worked -- can and should be managed in Fieldglass and the Managed Services Program.

However, this is only true if the role and work performed are “exempt” from overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  If the role/work is “non-exempt”, the worker cannot be salaried. S/he must report and be paid for all time worked, and may be eligible for overtime (at 1.5 times straight time) for hours over 40 in a week.

Managing a salaried, exempt contingent worker in Fieldglass typically occurs in a payrolling situation. The Harvard department identifies the worker and creates a requisition online in Fieldglass asking that one of the payrolling suppliers hire the worker. The Harvard department sets the hourly rate, as shown below, and the worker agrees to report a specific number of hours each week (to generate the correct pay) regardless of time worked. 

Example A: Full-time exempt role with an annualized salary of $50,000 Example B: A part-time exempt role with a specific salary, stipend or agreed upon lump sum amount

The annualized salary of $50,000 is divided by 52 weeks per year, then divided by 35 hours per week to produce an hourly rate of $27.47.

The worker will report (and the Harvard manager will approve) 35 hours each week in Fieldglass to generate the correct pay, regardless of time worked. The length of the contingent assignment in Fieldglass can vary.

A salary of $4,000 is established to teach a summer course. It is divided by 8 weeks (length of the term) and then 10 hours per week (approximate ¼ time commitment) to produce an hourly rate of $50.

The worker will report (and the Harvard manager will approve) 10 hours each week in Fieldglass to generate the correct pay, regardless of time worked.  The length of the contingent assignment in Fieldglass is 8 weeks.

What information does a hiring manager need to know before creating a job requisition online in Fieldglass?

A hiring manager will need to know 7 key details in order to create an online requisition.

  1. The job role that the contingent worker will fill (choice of Fieldglass Job Templates listed here)
  2. Whether you have already identified the worker (to be “payrolled”) or you need someone to be “recruited” by a supplier.  If the worker is to be payrolled:
    a. What is their name, email, telephone and agreed-upon hourly pay rate?
    b. In what state(s) will the worker live and work?
  3. The start and end date of the assignment
  4. The hours per day and days per week (7 hours per day and 5 days per week for a total of 35 hours is standard for a full-time contingent resource at Harvard.  You may for hire for fewer hours per week, or up to 40 hours per week if you wish)
  5. The Harvard chart of accounts coding that the position will be charged to, including one of these four Harvard object codes

    8221 -- Contingent Labor MSP Services Purchased (may only be used in Fieldglass)
    7658 -- Contingent Labor MSP Travel Reimbursed (may only be used in Fieldglass)
    6811 -- Equip >=$5000
    1140 -- Equip, Debt-financed, WIP
  6. Whether the worker will need an 8-digit HUID (yes or no) and an HUID card (yes or no)
  7. Any local onboarding needs like Harvard work space, laptop, phone, email, building or digital access

What is the difference between a job order and a work order?

A job order refers to the job posting or requisition.  In Fieldglass, once a candidate has been selected and the terms of the assignment (e.g., start and end dates, hourly billing rate) have been mutually agreed to by the hiring manager and the supplier, the Job Order becomes a Work Order. 

A work order is specific to that worker and that job. It includes an agreed-upon hourly billing rate, cost allocation, length of assignment, and other elements used to track that specific combination of person and position.  Revisions to the assignment, such as extension of the assignment or changes in the costing, require a work order revision.

What is the difference between payrolled candidates, recruited workers, and pre-identified candidates?

Payrolled candidates are individuals who are identified by the Harvard hiring manager and are not affiliated with one of the current suppliers. At Harvard’s request, they will be hired by one of the two Harvard-approved payrolling companies (AllSource or Checks and Balances) and would become a W-2 employee of that company. 

Recruited workers are candidates sourced by DZConneX (formerly, Yoh) from the supplier pool, then interviewed, selected and hired by the Harvard hiring manager.

Pre-Identified Candidates are individuals identified by the hiring manager and who are affiliated with one of the approved suppliers. An example would be an agency temp who the manager would like to use again. The DZConneX PMO works with the supplier create a work order for the assignment and on-board the pre-identified candidate knowing that no interview or selection process is necessary.

I don't see the job description I need. How do I get one added?

There are about 75 job descriptions (templates) in Fieldglass, reflecting the roles most frequently requisitioned at Harvard.  If possible, please try to use the one closest to what you need – you can “customize” it a bit by adding an attachment or filling in the Additional Job Details field.

If you need to fill a role that is significantly different, send a request to harvard@dzconnex.com. It can take up to two weeks to set up a new job description online.  The new role will need to be market-priced (to set up the rate card) and additional suppliers may need to be recruited to the program if the role is highly specialized.

The DZConneX Program Management Office may guide you to use a “generic” job description if the role is “single incumbent” and/or unlikely to be used again or by anyone else at Harvard.

How do you process extensions?

If you realize an assignment should be extended, submit a Work Order Revision to move the end date out. The supplier will need to accept this revision and ensure the contingent worker is available and willing to continue. When this extension increases the estimated spend, it will trigger financial re-approval.

Time Sheet Approval

Do the suppliers pay the contingent workers based on approved time or reported time?

Whenever possible, the suppliers pay the workers on assignment at Harvard based on approved time for the prior week.

If the Harvard manager has not approved time for the prior week, it is sometimes necessary for the supplier to pay the worker based on reported time. They do this to comply with state payroll laws that require prompt payment of workers for the time that is reported to have been worked.

In general, the suppliers in the Managed Services Program conduct weekly (or more frequent) audits to reconcile reported, approved and paid time. They may discover that paying based on reported time has resulted in an over- or underpayment of the worker. This requires a payroll adjustment in one or more subsequent weeks – for example, in order for the contingent worker to “pay back” an overpayment. For this reason, Harvard managers should review and approve time reported in Fieldglass for the prior week by Tuesday at noon.

To further clarify, Harvard pays DZConneX based on approved time only. (DZConneX then pays the suppliers, who pay the workers.) However, the supplier must pay the worker promptly, regardless of payments between Harvard, DZConneX and the supplier.

When is the earliest that a time reporter can report their time? When is the earliest that a time approver can approve submitted time?

Time reporters must enter time by Monday at noon EST for the week just ended and it must be approved by Tuesday at noon EST.

However, this process can happen earlier. Time reporters can submit hours at any time before or during the work week. Time approvers can log into Fieldglass at any time to approve submitted hours that they are certain have been worked. Time approvers need not wait until the following Tuesday to approve hours for the prior week.


How do I get a supplier added to Fieldglass?

Staff in participating Harvard schools/departments may identify suppliers of hourly-billed contingent labor they wish to use – generally, or for an upcoming requisition – by contacting the DZConneX PMO.

DZConneX will assess the request, and if the supplier strengthens the supply base or fills a specialized need, they will begin the enrollment and contracting process. The manager will be informed when the supplier is in the program and Fieldglass system, and ready for requisitioning.  If DZConneX declines to enroll the supplier, or the supplier declines to participate, the manager will be informed about current suppliers who can meet their needs.  This process takes at least 2 weeks.

How should Harvard hiring managers interact with suppliers?

The terms of DZConnex’s contract with enrolled suppliers say that DZConnex should be involved, and serve as the intermediary, in any discussion with suppliers about the needs or requirements of a Harvard hiring manager, or about potential candidates for assignment at Harvard. This is because Harvard has asked DZConneX to create and sustain a vendor-neutral, competitive sourcing environment for all requisitions.

Harvard hiring managers should not receive calls from suppliers in the program to market their services, to preview available candidates, or to discuss other job order related questions. Once a contingent worker is on assignment at Harvard, the supplier may speak to the manager about logistical issues, such as an anticipated absence.

For suppliers who may contact managers about joining the program, please direct them to https://hr.harvard.edu/contingent-workforce/suppliers

What have the suppliers enrolled in the Managed Services Program agreed to?

Enrolled suppliers have agreed to:

  • adhere to MSP's pricing structure (including standard mark-ups) though they may propose a billing rate above the rate card if allowed by the hiring manager;
  • interact directly and exclusively with DZConneX regarding Harvard's requirements, assignments, and workers;
  • refrain from using subcontractors without DZConnex’s consent;
  • use Fieldglass to propose candidates and submit billable hours and expenses;
  • conduct pre-employment screening and onboarding according to Harvard’s requirements;
  • offer its lowest pricing to any Harvard entity through the DZConneX program;
  • comply with all applicable wage, benefits and employment tax regulations.

Are search firms and head-hunters "in scope"?

No. Search services to fill posted Harvard (non-temporary) jobs are not in scope; however, some enrolled MSP suppliers may also offer or provide search services to Harvard separately. Contingent workers supplied through the Program may also convert from "temp to perm" if they are hired by Harvard as a result of their temp assignment. When this happens, the supplier may be entitled to a conversion fee.

In the new model, will I still be able to speak and work directly with my vendors?

Yes, but DZConneX will participate in meetings and discussions with suppliers, and may suggest that additional suppliers be included as well.

This is because the new model is predicated on supplier neutrality. For example, when a worker is proposed for an assignment at Harvard, identifying information about the supplier will not be visible. The idea is to foster a competitive, supplier-neutral sourcing model for the best talent.

In many cases, hiring managers will welcome Yoh acting as a participant or intermediary in this process. In other cases, Harvard managers have told us that they have beneficial relationships with key suppliers that they wish to maintain. We anticipate they will be able to maintain these relationships and direct their requisition to a preferred or specialized vendor in Fieldglass if they wish. However, Yoh may suggest other suppliers who can meet Harvard's needs and introduce more competition.

Can I still use my preferred vendor?

If they are enrolled in the new Managed Services Program, yes.

All vendors and staffing agencies currently providing contingent workers to participating tubs are invited to participate in the program. Once they join the program, they will have the opportunity to submit resumes for job requisitions posted in Fieldglass. The DZConneX PMO will shortlist candidates based on qualifications. Note that this is a vendor neutral selection process and hiring managers will no longer see the name of the supplier on a resume. 

Given they now need to pay a fee to DZConneX, how do we know suppliers won't simply turn around and increase their prices to Harvard?

There are three factors that will reduce this tendency. Suppliers enrolled in the program have agreed to standardized mark-ups, which are enforced in Fieldglass. Most requisitions will be competitively-sourced, with multiple suppliers competing for Harvard's business. Third, hiring managers make the final decision on which candidates and rates to accept. 

Why should vendors enroll in the program if it requires them to take a small discount on the services they provide to Harvard?

Once enrolled in the program, suppliers will have the opportunity to propose contingent talent for all requisitions and grow their business across Harvard. Additional benefits for suppliers will include:

  • access to a Vendor Management System that allows them to more easily respond to requisitions and manage contractor assignments;
  • a streamlined billing process which results in faster payment;
  • access to other Yoh customers;
  • the opportunity to participate in supplier forums that provide valuable information on the program and on key Harvard business opportunities.

Training and Support

Is SAP Fieldglass accessible?

According to SAP, the manufacturer of the Fieldglass software used to manage the contingent workforce at Harvard, “SAP Fieldglass is committed to ensuring our application meets WCAG 2.0 level AA compliance” standards.

At the end of 2018, for tested functionality, which included “all primary screens that a typical user (including buyer, supplier, and worker) would be required to use,” Fieldglass was over 90% compliant with WCAG 2.0 AA standards.

SAP says that, “Fieldglass deploys 3 major releases to production each year…and we plan for accessibility improvements and enhancements during every release based on the need and available capacity…”

Harvard users who require assistance or additional information are urged to contact the DZConneX Program Management Office at 617-495-1508 or harvard@dzconnex.com.

User Roles

What is the process for adding a new user to Fieldglass?

Requests to add a new user to Fieldglass must be made by your Tub’s HR Authorized Requestor (HRAR) via PeopleSoft, to the HUIT Client Services group. This process is similar to user access requests for other Harvard HR systems.

HRAR’s may view specific instructions located here, when requesting Fieldglass user access, or designating a new approver for tubs or orgs. Once approved by Client Services, the new user access data flows into Fieldglass automatically from PeopleSoft through a nightly feed. Approved changes in org or tub approvers are sent from HUIT Client Services to the DZConneX PMO for manual updating. 

How do proxies work?

Proxies can be assigned online in Fieldglass by hiring managers, time approvers, org- and tub-owners to act on their behalf, indefinitely or for a specific period of time (such as a vacation.)

Typically, proxies approve or reject transactions – specifically, requisitions, work order revisions and timesheets -- on behalf of the user.

Users are responsible for actions taken by proxies on their behalf, so care should be taken in making this designation.  In general, proxies should be in the same tub, and have the same Fieldglass user role and the same or higher level of managerial authority as the user.

To establish a proxy in Fieldglass, click your user name in the upper right hand corner of the home page, then select My Profile>Proxies>Edit>Add Proxy.

In a nutshell, what are the different Fieldglass roles?

Timecard Approvers can approve timecards for contingent workers.

Hiring Managers can create a job order, hire a contingent worker, approve time and create work order revisions.  Can report on any of their own activities.

Org Owners can do everything a hiring manager can do plus approve transactions from $10K to $250K. Can report on all activities in the org.

Tub Owners can do everything a hiring manager can do plus approve transactions over $250K.  Can report on all activities in the tub.

Report Users can access, modify and run Fieldglass reports for his/her tub, but they have no transactional ability. 

How are the user roles in Fieldglass different?

The Hiring Manager role can create and self-approve a job order (requisition) with an estimated value of less than $10K, approve time, create work order revisions, and see/report on all related activities.

The Org Owner role can do everything a hiring manager can do plus approve transactions with an estimated value from >$10K to $250K, and see/report on all activities in the Org.

The Tub Owner role can do everything a hiring manager can do plus approve transactions with an estimated value of >$250K, and see/report on all activities in the Tub.

Time Sheet Approvers can only approve or reject weekly timesheets for the contingent worker assignments (work orders) they are associated with. Usually, this is a responsibility delegated by a Hiring Manager.

Reporting Users can modify and run Fieldglass reports for all activities in their own Tub, but they have no transactional access or responsibilities.

A Proxy is not an assigned user role but a designation of responsibility to act (specifically, to approve or reject transactions) on behalf of another user, either temporarily or indefinitely. Both users need to have the same “level’ of role – so someone serving as a proxy for a Hiring Manager needs to have that role, or be a Org- or Tub Owner.

What controls will exist when requesting contingent help? Can anyone submit a contingent worker request?

Harvard schools and departments (tubs) will authorize specific hiring managers to use Fieldglass to requisition contingent workers -- initially, and on an ongoing basis through HR authorized requestors. Hiring managers are assumed to have the authority to hire a contingent worker with an estimated cost below $10K.  For a contingent worker assignment with a cost >$10K, additional financial approvals are required.

Financial Management and Accounting

What should I do if the Harvard chart of accounts (costing) string I want to use for a requisition is not available in Fieldglass?

Of the millions of possible Harvard Chart of Accounts (CoA) combinations (called CCIDs), a large number is selected and loaded to Fieldglass nightly so that they are available when requisitioning a contingent worker.  The CCIDs in Fieldglass include the most commonly used ones, as described in the Chart of Accounts Coding section of the Program Guidelines

However, if you need to use a chart of accounts combination that is not already in Fieldglass (because it is newly-established, or not commonly used, and therefore was not automatically loaded), please take the following steps:

  1. Go to the online Harvard chart validator tool at https://fss.finance.harvard.edu/applications
  2. Enter the desired combination – including one of the object codes listed below -- then click Create Account Coding.
  3. This newly-activated CCID will be transmitted during the nightly load to Fieldglass and will be available the next day to use.

Chart values for Harvard tubs not yet enrolled in the Managed Services Program will not be transmitted and cannot be charged.

If you experience a problem with adding a CCID to Fieldglass, help is available from the DZConneX Program Management Office at 617-495-1508.

Note:  The CCID you wish to add to Fieldglass must contain one of these object codes in order for it to be selected for loading in Fieldglass: 1140, 6640, 6811, 7650, 7658, 7910, 7920, 7940, 7970, 7980, 8220, or 8221.

How many costing strings can be entered when creating a requisition? Is there a limit?

No, there is no limit.  But here is a consideration.

When setting up a requisition, a hiring manager can “split code” it to an unlimited number of costing strings, to allocate the costs to multiple funding sources. These code combinations will “flow down” to the associated timesheets and be available for time reporting, but there will be no automatic allocation of the worker’s time across the funding sources. The contingent worker will need to be guided to report time correctly against each available funding source.

How do I select Harvard chart of account values to split-code a job that is charged to multiple account codes?

Job postings may be set up to be split-coded for initial budgeting and approval purposes. 

To do this, while in the “Cost Allocation” section of a job requisition, select +Add Segmented Object Detail to add Object Code, Fund, Activity, Sub Activity, and Root.  One of the cost strings will need to be selected as the Primary, and Allocation percentages will need to add up to 100%.

Cost Allocation example

Once the Work Order is finalized and the assignment is underway, these cost strings will “flow down” to the associated timesheets and be available for the contingent worker to select when reporting time each week.  The contingent worker will need to know how to allocate his/her time across available costing strings, and may need guidance from the Harvard manager.

A separate job posting will need to be created if the costing needs to be split-coded across tubs.

How is overtime calculated for contingent workers?

Non-exempt (overtime-eligible) contingent workers will be paid at straight time for the first 40 hours worked each week, and at the overtime rate (1.5 x the straight time rate) for all time worked >40 hours in a week at Harvard.

Because Fieldglass will not calculate which hours should be reported (or paid) at straight time and which at overtime, time approvers need to make sure that contingent workers in this category correctly report hours at straight-time versus overtime. Yoh will also audit weekly for this.

If the role is defined as an “exempt computer professional,” then all reported hours will be paid at the straight time rate.

Contingent workers are instructed to obtain manager approval (by asking verbally or in writing) before working more than the usual schedule or overtime. At the beginning of any assignment, managers should clarify with each contingent worker how many hours per week they are scheduled (and budgeted) to work.

Is the rate card negotiable?

Yes. Hiring Managers can elect to see and hire candidates whose hourly billing rate exceeds the rate card maximum. Or, they can specify that they do not want to see candidates who exceed the rate card or an even lower hourly rate they have in mind. The rate card has been market-priced to provide guidance to Harvard managers. 

What will be the cost savings to Harvard schools and departments?

Overall we expect schools and departments will realize savings of 6-10% from three sources:

  • lower mark-ups (the % added to the worker's pay by the temp agency to arrive at the billing rate) on average;
  • standardized market-driven rate cards and the ability to compare the proposals of competing suppliers in real-time;
  • taking advantage of a quick pay discount of 1%. 

In addition, Harvard departments should see a reduction in administrative processing costs since invoicing will be automated.  At present, Harvard departments manually process 20,000 invoices each year to pay suppliers of contingent talent.  

Will I still receive a paper invoice from the Supplier when we go live?

Harvard will no longer receive paper invoices from suppliers in this model. This is one of the key advantages of the new process. Weekly approved time and expenses will automatically (electronically) flow to Harvard Accounts Payable from our Managed Service Provider (MSP), DZConneX, and the invoice will be paid. We estimate the new process will eliminate the manual processing of 20,000+ paper invoices annually.

How will invoicing work?

An approved time sheet will be automatically converted to an invoice that is electronically sent from Fieldglass to Oracle Accounts Payable. Harvard will issue payment to DZConneX for the invoice, typically taking a 1% quick pay discount. Information about the payment will flow back to Fieldglass, and, as with any other paid invoice, to the Harvard General Ledger and Data Warehouse.

What if a Contingent Worker will be working on several projects (with different billing codes)?

The Fieldglass requisition, and the related work order, can be set up to be split-coded to two or more Harvard account code combinations in the same chart of accounts tub. Once done, these code combinations are available for selection on the worker's timesheet. The worker will need to select the right one and report hours against it, typically with guidance from the Harvard manager.  If a contingent worker's assignment will be charged to two different tubs, two separate requisitions will need to be created.

How does the model work financially?

Harvard has formed a business partnership and executed a Master Services Agreement (MSA) with a Managed Service Provider (MSP), DZConneX (formerly, Yoh). DZConneX enrolls qualified suppliers to the Harvard program, and executes supplier agreements (contracts) with conditions that "flow down" from Harvard's MSA. The supplier agreements specify standardized mark-ups on contingent talent that will be provided to Harvard through DZConneX.

The Harvard Hiring Manager reviews the candidates proposed by the supplier(s) for assignment at Harvard, and accepts or rejects the billing rate as part of the hiring process. The total financial commitment (hourly rate x hours for assignment) agreed upon is captured in Fieldglass.

Once the contingent worker is working at Harvard, s/he enters time worked in Fieldglass. The Hiring Manager approves it and Fieldglass converts it to an invoice and sends it electronically to Harvard’s Oracle Accounts Payable system. Harvard pays the MSP, DZConneX. DZConneX deducts its fee before paying the supplier. The supplier pays the worker and handles all employer benefits, tax withholdings and reporting.

Because of this arrangement, Harvard's managed services program is considered supplier-funded.

How will a hiring manger know how much to pay for contingent work?

DZConneX (formerly, Yoh) and Harvard HR conducted a market pricing analysis to build the rate card for all the contingent worker job roles. This provides a range of rates typical for the Boston area. The rate card will be updated periodically. Price quotations from competing suppliers for each requisition will be an important source of feedback. Harvard-wide analytics that pinpoint what we are paying, on average, for each role will help Harvard refine the rate card and help everyone better understand fair market prices for the roles and level of talent we need.